• SCAAVO - Sociedad Cooperativa Agrícola Andaluza Virgen de la Oliva


SCAAVO has always been committed to quality and food safety in all production processes. It therefore has several international certifications, such as certification for the 2018 ISO 22000 standard, which ensures consumer protection and food safety, as well as the certification granted by SOHISCERT, a leading entity in ecological certification in Europe.

SCAAVO has always been committed to quality and food safety in all production processes. It therefore has several international certifications, such as certification for the 2018 ISO 22000 standard, which ensures consumer protection and food safety, as well as the certification granted by SOHISCERT, a leading entity in ecological certification in Europe.


ISO 22000 2018 AENOR


SCAAVO has always been committed to the food safety and quality of its products. Therefore, it has certification for the 2018 ISO 22000 standard from AENOR, which ensures compliance with food safety and hygiene criteria of all the Cooperative’s production processes, from preparation and cultivation of wines to the marketing of seasoned olives and extra virgin olive oil. This standard applies to the entire food chain and ensures food safety in all types of supply chain organisations.

We are the only first-degree Cooperative in the Antequera region with this certification, making us one of the leading cooperatives in safety and quality in all its processes of creation and production.




SOHISCERT, the leading entity in organic certification in Europe, has certified organic production at the Sociedad Cooperativa Andaluza Agrícola Virgen de la Oliva factory. The Cooperative, which began its journey in 1993 selling its first bottled wines, continues on that path by committing to organic production of guarantees with the maximum dedication and quality in its products.

FSSC 22000 Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad Alimentaria



FSSC 22000 is a food safety certification system based on the internationally recognized ISO 22000 standard, complemented by technical standards such as ISO TS 22002-1 for food manufacturing and ISO TS 22002-4 for packaging manufacturing.

SCAAVO - Sociedad Cooperativa Agrícola Andaluza Virgen de la Oliva
SCAAVO - Sociedad Cooperativa Agrícola Andaluza Virgen de la Oliva
SCAAVO - Sociedad Cooperativa Agrícola Andaluza Virgen de la Oliva
SCAAVO - Sociedad Cooperativa Agrícola Andaluza Virgen de la Oliva


SOCIEDAD COOPERATIVA VIRGEN DE LA OLIVA seeks the continuous improvement of its processes and services to customers. To achieve this, it establishes a Quality and Food Safety Management System.

The management of SOCIEDAD COOPERATIVA VIRGEN DE LA OLIVA considers the certification of Quality Systems to be of vital importance, as they are essential tools for carrying out all its production processes, ensuring the involvement of all company members to create an appropriate work environment, achieving continuous improvement in its processes and products, and ensuring the profitability of its activities.

SOCIEDAD COOPERATIVA VIRGEN DE LA OLIVA seeks the continuous improvement of its processes and services to customers. To achieve this, it establishes a Quality and Food Safety Management System.

The management of SOCIEDAD COOPERATIVA VIRGEN DE LA OLIVA considers the certification of Quality Systems to be of vital importance, as they are essential tools for carrying out all its production processes, ensuring the involvement of all company members to create an appropriate work environment, achieving continuous improvement in its processes and products, and ensuring the profitability of its activities.

The Quality Policy of our cooperative is specified in the following points:

  • Ensure compliance with the legal requirements that affect our activities and processes, especially those aimed at ensuring the traceability and hygienic-sanitary conditions of our products and their specifications.
  • Make rational use of the natural resources employed, raw materials, and energy, applying environmental sustainability policies, ethical commitment, and commitment to minimize food loss and waste.
  • Seek suppliers who share our philosophy.
  • Prevent potential deficiencies, shortcomings, and anomalies that may arise in the development of daily activities.
  • Resolve any type of need or requirement from our customers by making our organization, human, and technical resources available to achieve customer satisfaction and meet quality and safety requirements.
  • Provide products that meet the needs and expectations of customers and stakeholders.
  • Ensure that the products manufactured and marketed are safe for consumers according to our HACCP.
  • Commit to promoting an understanding and dissemination of our quality policy within the organization, through continuous training and communication to our employees.
  • Maintain proper hygiene and cleanliness in our facilities.
  • Guide company personnel to commit to quality aimed at preventing non-compliance and errors.
  • Provide the reference framework for establishing the proposed quality objectives.
  • Continuously improve the quality management system.
  • Spread a Food Safety culture at all levels of the Organization, through training, awareness, Food Defense, and continuous training of our staff in all activities they perform, related to the food safety of our products, and likewise, ensure the competencies of our employees related to food safety.

This Policy provides a reference framework for establishing and reviewing Quality and Food Safety Objectives, must be known and applied by all company personnel, and will therefore be disseminated and made available to all staff and other interested parties. Additionally, it will be reviewed annually to ensure its continued suitability to needs.

The Management ensures that this Quality Policy is suitable for the purpose of the organization, communicated, reviewed, understood, and applied by all personnel to continuously improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System. Active collaboration and participation of all staff are requested.

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